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A few years ago, I set out to find every bird. There are a lot of them, as it turns out. Finding all of the birds isn’t the one-weekend project I thought it would be. In any case, here are a few.

Crow flies, white pine, Rock Island. 2021.
Crow flies, white pine, Rock Island. 2021.
Pelican Line VI, Washington Island. 2021.
Pelican Line VI, Washington Island. 2021.
Homeward, Illinois. 2020.
Homeward, Illinois. 2020.
Chickidee, cattails, Illinois. 2020.
Chickidee, cattails, Illinois. 2020.
Lincoln Sparrow, Milwaukee. 2020.
Lincoln Sparrow, Milwaukee. 2020.
Gosling, Milwaukee River. 2020.
Gosling, Milwaukee River. 2020.
Wood duck, Milwaukee River. 2020.
Wood duck, Milwaukee River. 2020.
Gosling call, Milwaukee River. 2020.
Gosling call, Milwaukee River. 2020.
Killdeer, Wisconsin. 2020.
Killdeer, Wisconsin. 2020.
Meadowlark, powerlines, Wisconsin. 2020.
Meadowlark, powerlines, Wisconsin. 2020.
Last call, Wisconsin. 2020.
Last call, Wisconsin. 2020.
Robin, Milwaukee River. 2020.
Robin, Milwaukee River. 2020.
Nuthatch, nesting, Milwaukee River. 2020.
Nuthatch, nesting, Milwaukee River. 2020.
Aaaahhhhhh. 2020.
Aaaahhhhhh. 2020.
Sanderling, Long Rock Beach. 2020.
Sanderling, Long Rock Beach. 2020.
Wagtail, bowling green, Penzance. 2020.
Wagtail, bowling green, Penzance. 2020.
Ruddy turnstone, Newlyn. 2020.
Ruddy turnstone, Newlyn. 2020.
House sparrow, Newlyn. 2020.
House sparrow, Newlyn. 2020.
Rock pipit, north coast, Cornwall. 2019.
Rock pipit, north coast, Cornwall. 2019.
Firecrest, Penryn. 2019.
Firecrest, Penryn. 2019.
Chaffinch, orchard, Penryn. 2019.
Chaffinch, orchard, Penryn. 2019.
Long-tailed tit, orchard, Penryn. 2019.
Long-tailed tit, orchard, Penryn. 2019.
Blue tit, orchard, Penryn. 2019.
Blue tit, orchard, Penryn. 2019.
Blackberry-beaked sparrow, hedgerow, Falmouth. 2019.
Blackberry-beaked sparrow, hedgerow, Falmouth. 2019.
Young sparrow, hedgerow, Falmouth. 2019.
Young sparrow, hedgerow, Falmouth. 2019.
Cormorant, Horicon Marsh. 2019.
Cormorant, Horicon Marsh. 2019.
Meadowbird, Nichols Creek. 2019.
Meadowbird, Nichols Creek. 2019.
Sparrow, lunch, Nichols Creek. 2019.
Sparrow, lunch, Nichols Creek. 2019.
Pelican, egret, Horicon Marsh. 2019.
Pelican, egret, Horicon Marsh. 2019.
Haircut, red-winged blackbird, Horicon Marsh. 2019.
Haircut, red-winged blackbird, Horicon Marsh. 2019.
Pelican squabble, Horicon Marsh. 2019.
Pelican squabble, Horicon Marsh. 2019.
Russet call, red-winged blackbird, Horicon Marsh. 2019.
Russet call, red-winged blackbird, Horicon Marsh. 2019.
Cricket, blue jay, North Woods. 2019.
Cricket, blue jay, North Woods. 2019.
Tree swallows, Wisconsin. 2019.
Tree swallows, Wisconsin. 2019.
Sandpiper, Ulao Creek, Wisconsin. 2019.
Sandpiper, Ulao Creek, Wisconsin. 2019.
Kingbird, studio lighting, Ulao Creek, Wisconsin. 2019.
Kingbird, studio lighting, Ulao Creek, Wisconsin. 2019.
Kingbird, curious, studio lighting, Ulao Creek, Wisconsin. 2019.
Kingbird, curious, studio lighting, Ulao Creek, Wisconsin. 2019.
Loon, fleas, Turtle-Flambeau Flowage. 2019.
Loon, fleas, Turtle-Flambeau Flowage. 2019.
Loon-tail, fleas, Turtle-Flambeau Flowage. 2019.
Loon-tail, fleas, Turtle-Flambeau Flowage. 2019.
I don't know what this bird is, Ulao Creek, Wisconsin. 2019.
I don't know what this bird is, Ulao Creek, Wisconsin. 2019.
Yellow warbler, Ulao Creek, Wisconsin. 2019.
Yellow warbler, Ulao Creek, Wisconsin. 2019.
Anger and rage, red-winged blackbird, Ulao Creek, Wisconsin. 2019.
Anger and rage, red-winged blackbird, Ulao Creek, Wisconsin. 2019.
Marsh call, red-winged blackbird, Ulao Creek, Wisconsin. 2019.
Marsh call, red-winged blackbird, Ulao Creek, Wisconsin. 2019.
Dark-eyed junco, Black Hills, South Dakota. 2019.
Dark-eyed junco, Black Hills, South Dakota. 2019.
Crossbill, Black Hills, South Dakota. 2019.
Crossbill, Black Hills, South Dakota. 2019.
Long-eared owl, Ulao Creek, Wisconsin. 2019.
Long-eared owl, Ulao Creek, Wisconsin. 2019.
Rage, fury, downy woodpecker, Wisconsin.. 2019.
Rage, fury, downy woodpecker, Wisconsin.. 2019.
Chickadee, dogwood, Ulao Creek, Wisconsin. 2019.
Chickadee, dogwood, Ulao Creek, Wisconsin. 2019.
Chipping sparrow, dogwood, Ulao Creek, Wisconsin. 2019.
Chipping sparrow, dogwood, Ulao Creek, Wisconsin. 2019.
Downy woodpecker, susurration, Ulao Creek, Wisconsin. 2019.
Downy woodpecker, susurration, Ulao Creek, Wisconsin. 2019.
Blackbird, orchard, Penryn. 2018.
Blackbird, orchard, Penryn. 2018.
Tall corn, chimney swifts, Wisconsin. 2018.
Tall corn, chimney swifts, Wisconsin. 2018.
Susurrus, chimney swifts, Wisconsin. 2018.
Susurrus, chimney swifts, Wisconsin. 2018.
Egret, reeds, Ulao Creek, Wisconsin. 2018.
Egret, reeds, Ulao Creek, Wisconsin. 2018.
Mallard, cattails, Ulao Creek, Wisconsin. 2018.
Mallard, cattails, Ulao Creek, Wisconsin. 2018.
Wirebirds, Wisconsin. 2018.
Wirebirds, Wisconsin. 2018.
Cowbirds, Ulau Creek, Wisconsin. 2018.
Cowbirds, Ulau Creek, Wisconsin. 2018.
Nest, left in dogwood, Ulau Creek, Wisconsin. 2018.
Nest, left in dogwood, Ulau Creek, Wisconsin. 2018.