/ Unfinished Songs/ Springtide/ Pizza Party/ Horses/ Wikimedia/ Who am I?/ Photography/ Pigeons/ About/ Resume.pdf/ What am I?/ Horizons/ Design Ethos/ Myth.pdf/ Sign in/ Instagram/ On Yearning/ Yearning.pdf/ Birds Without Hats/ Galleries/ Writing/ Youtube/ Home/ The Permanent Collection/ Bathroom Spider/ Linkedin/ Birds With Hats/ Email me/ Yearning.pdf/ Unfinished Songs/ Pizza Party/ Who am I?/ Springtide/ Pigeons/ Email me/ About/ Horses/ Photography/ Design Ethos/ Birds With Hats/ Instagram/ Wikimedia/ Home/ Bathroom Spider/ On Yearning/ Resume.pdf/ Myth.pdf/ Galleries/ Youtube/ Birds Without Hats/ Linkedin/ Writing/ Horizons/ What am I?/ Sign in/ The Permanent Collection/ What am I?/ Home/ Bathroom Spider/ Email me/ Design Ethos/ Unfinished Songs/ Birds Without Hats/ The Permanent Collection/ Who am I?/ Writing/ Horizons/ Yearning.pdf/ Birds With Hats/ Youtube/ Photography/ Horses/ On Yearning/ Springtide/ Pizza Party/ Resume.pdf/ Instagram/ Pigeons/ Linkedin/ Sign in/ Myth.pdf/ Galleries/ Wikimedia/ About/ About/ Yearning.pdf/ Linkedin/ Sign in/ Instagram/ The Permanent Collection/ Resume.pdf/ Galleries/ Horses/ Birds With Hats/ Bathroom Spider/ Myth.pdf/ Design Ethos/ Email me/ Horizons/ Springtide/ Wikimedia/ On Yearning/ Unfinished Songs/ Home/ Birds Without Hats/ Photography/ Youtube/ Writing/ Pizza Party/ Pigeons/ Who am I?/ What am I?
Home/About/Photography/Writing/Springtide/Galleries/The Permanent Collection/Design Ethos/Email me/Instagram/Youtube/Linkedin/Pizza Party/Pigeons/Unfinished Songs/Wikimedia/On Yearning/Bathroom Spider/Horizons/Birds With Hats/Horses/Birds Without Hats/Myth.pdf/Yearning.pdf/Resume.pdf/Who am I?/What am I?/Sign in/


The grand old city of Alexa, capital of Elessey, sits in the wide, protected Southgate Sound. It is a city of old bell towers and tapestries in quiet halls and white limestone baths overlooking the bay and the Gut of Elessey. It is a regal place with a certain nostalgia for aristocracy, and although there is no longer a monarchy, there are plenty of royalists, and a lively Society. Alessians takes food very seriously.


Alexa was named after the Billy Joel song Downeaster Alexa, for some reason. This was before Amazon’s Alexa. I’m not sure how that fits in here.